Welcome to this new addition to the blogging universe, The Futurist, on this day of January 24, 2006.
The goal of The Futurist is to analyze current trends to make future predictions, specifically more complex predictions that require the convergence of multiple trends. These tend to be the predictions that most others get wrong, as they are only projecting one trend forward, with no accounting of multi-trend convergence.
There are two co-bloggers here, one with a more technological bent, and the other with a more political (an Independent who leans right) bent. We will not distinguish between the two of us, in terms of who posted what, and which person is commenting. Among many experiments, one will be if two different minds can create a unified, superior output.
We may alternatively comment as 'The Futurist' or as 'Genghis Khan', abbreviated as 'GK' (an inside nickname here).
Thank you, and may we produce content that you find compelling.