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Badboy Recovered

God I love this blog.

Why you only have about 100,000 hits a year is weird.

Ive been a member of EU referendum since they only had 500 hits a day. A little while back they had over 1 million in like a month. - Just keep it up - you'll get your just reward.

Saw this commercial just the other day and it was amazing. And to think where the internet was just a few years back.

I remember "The Phantom Menace" trailer in 99 and it was 2 inches by 2 inches. Shit quality!

And at the time it was high tech!


I just sort of stumbled upon your website while i was bored on the internet. I started skimming through the article, and I was very interested in what you had to say, i think the reason i like your opinions, and the information that you provide is because, it is one of the few things that i am strongly intrested in, The Future. I just thought that i would let you know that as a 17 year old high school senior, i can't get enough of your website.


Badboy Recovered,

Thanks for the encouragement. The low traffic is due to the infrequency of posts. But my subject matter is about longer articles, rather than daily news updates, so tht may continue to be true.


Thanks. I envy how much exciting innovation you will see while you are still young. When I was in college (1991-94), there was no World Wide Web.


If it isn't a problem, there are some questions id like to ask you. Some things id like to know your opinion on. Also some questions about college classes you took?


HP and Dreamworks have been selling similar technology since late 2005. Cisco may be better positioned to make it successful, but it ain't new.


Thanks for the article. Let me share to you too an article on conference phone.


You are describe above really great communication about video conferencing.


I just sort of stumbled upon your website while i was bored on the internet. I started skimming through the article, and I was very interested in what you had to say, i think the reason i like your opinions, and the information that you provide is because, it is one of the few things that i am strongly intrested in, The Future. I just thought that i would let you know that as a 17 year old high school senior, i can't get enough of your website.

Steve M

That's really a smart and quick sloution for video conferencing, without much efforts and time.


Makes sense... branchingout in technology for Cisco's business is the building block for Cisco’s future growth and competitive edge.


This is gonna huge, i just cant belive it that i am standing at a great blog of my life, i am really glad to have my comment here in very decent topic. thanks to webmaster.

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