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Saul Wall


World Citizen

USA will eat it's own dog food soon when there will be Hispanic riots and another shit.

And even big corporations which use that cheap labor just dont care about US future, that's why we have such situation, damn them all!

US becoming bi-lingual, however there are many other minorities which need more attention. Hispanic politicians a lobbing law that only favor Hispanic, and they call it democracy?

What's even worse, the majority of Hispanic immigrants are very poor educated and even refuse learn to speak English...


The world's educated masses with 4 year degrees will not fit in the US. With 6 billion people, if only 10% come here that would be 600 million more than the already 300 million we have.

Open immigration to the US for even just the brightest will overwhelm the US.

We need strict enforcement of labor laws that eject illegals. The most practical method is a national id card that is very difficult to counterfiet. With todays supercomputers and identity technology it can be done.



10%? Less than 1% of the world's people outside the US have a 4-year college degree.

And only a portion of those will want to come to the US.

There would not be more than 750,000 a year coming here, even in the model I describe.


Add this: Immigrants are ineligable for welfare for 10 years - no free ride. But if you're only allowing degreed immigrants, this probably wouldn't be a problem. Many would probably line up work and housing before they even arrived.

As for the loss of all the low-skilled labor, the market would find solutions. In fact, the overabundance of low-skilled labor is a disincentive for innovation. If labor were more expensive, you'd see more automated harvesting techniques, fast food preparation/vending, etc. Enterprising companies would flourish, inventing more Roomba-like devices, Honda would pour more R&D into it's Asimo, etc.



That's right. Restricting immigration to accredited Bachelor's degrees only will have only positives for the US economy (since 70% of US adults don't have Bachelor's degrees anyway).

I always dispute the claim that we 'need cheap labor' to survive. Parts of the US that still don't have many illegals still are functioning societies, with Americans doing those jobs.


I might also add that many Mexican immigrants I've known are truly decent folk. Most Mexicans cross the border not to commit crimes but to find a job and make a living for themselves. Indeed, when they leave Mexico, Mexico loses a significant portion of it's most hard-working, industrious, ambitious citizens. If sneaking across the border was no longer an easy option to them, Mexico would ultimately benefit because these people would put their work ethic and ambition on display in their home country, and when the fruits of their labors start to show it would inspire their less-ambitious neighbors.

I've often thought that Mexico needs to pick itself up. The desire to change needs to come from within. The best the U.S. can do is to provide an example of how a society works when the principles of hard work, fair play, innovation, and education are the values that fuel an economic machine.


Our emergency rooms are closing down because illegals do not pay.


"Our emergency rooms are closing down because illegals do not pay."

That is why we need :

1) Only LEGAL immigration, and
2) Immigration of people who contribute more than they consume (i.e those with higher education than the national average), not people who consume more than they contribute.

Thus, my idea solves this problem (and many others) nicely.


The proposed legislation allows for legal immigration but only of non-skilled workers. This is a binding part of the Democratic platform.


An intriguing idea. Unfortunately, since it makes sense, it will not be implemented by either party.


It doesn't matter who you bring in. Their arrival depletes the resources of their home country.



Actually, no. The opposite it true. It is most certainly NOT a zero-sum game.

Mexican illegals send back $25 Billion in cash to their families back in Mexico.

Indian immigrants in the US are the reason India is booming now. It took until now for them to reach critical mass, and now pull India along.

Read this very important article.

World Citizen

Yes, there should be only LEGAL immigration.

I like the Canadian way of Skilled immigration with points. The whole economy benefits from that.
However, recently there were some talks about the newly Canadian immigrants start to abuse welfare help system by bringing 5-10 relatives who has no education, nor desire to work, because the monthly welfare help is quite enough.
I've heard that Canadian government is going to put more restrictions on the abusing nations (India, Pakistan, Iran, Sri-Lanka, etc) to not allow the relatives "flood", it seems like they will need to meet the point criteria as well.

As for the US-Mexico border issue, I'm still in shock the way it's debated. The border should be closed. Period. The people who is creaming about terrorism and high level of security are the same people who is still opposing the strong border. It's just ridiculous!

If we look at other countries like European Nations, Argentina, Russia, China, India, etc, they all have good border protection, thus they dont have the illegal immigration as the major issue.


World Citizen,

Yes, there is no excuse to not sealing the border. Other nations know how to seal their border, and it is not a complex undertaking at all. 2000 miles of border, 10 guards per mile = only 20,000 guards needed.

The US has a lot more incoming pressure than China, India, Russia, etc., as there are FAR more people who want to come into the US than into any other country. India, Russia and China have more people leaving (often to the US), than coming in.

World Citizen

I would say that 10 guards per mile is too much, 50 mile zone can be served by 4 guards patrolling in a Hummer/Jeep.
A border violation signal can be also issued by a hidden camera, and the camera can survey up to 2 miles, so there is only 1000 cameras powered by solar/grid power are needed.
New Your city has more cameras then that amount. :D


"there is no excuse to not sealing the border. Other nations know how to seal their border, and it is not a complex undertaking at all. 2000 miles of border, 10 guards per mile = only 20,000 guards needed."

True, there's no excuse for not sealing the borders, however, you will need far more than 10 guards per mile. To put 10 guard there 24 hours a day you will probably need 30, each doing 8 hours a day. Then there are weekends, holidays, vacations, time for training etc. etc. etc. Probably 50 guards or so would be needed per mile to have 10 guards there all the time.

Todd Tarson

True, there's no excuse for not sealing the borders, however, you will need far more than 10 guards per mile. To put 10 guard there 24 hours a day you will probably need 30, each doing 8 hours a day. Then there are weekends, holidays, vacations, time for training etc. etc. etc. Probably 50 guards or so would be needed per mile to have 10 guards there all the time.

I'd consider this money and resources well spent up against the money going out to illegals in form of social welfare.


You asked for reasons why this wouldn't work... like the idea, but it won't work because it leaves our politicians exposed and facing sure defeat in any election following the implementation of a policy that brings in immigrants to "take high paying jobs."



I don't know. The concept that "they will pay taxes from day 1" or "they pay into Soc. Security while their parents don't draw from it" is appealing to voters.

Balance this against headlines like "40% of California prison inmates are illegals", and the points in favor of highly-educated immigrants go up.


Why would the US educated elite allow the educated elites from other places to come and compete with it?

That is why we have the current state of affairs, the ruling class wants servants, not competitors


TheMexican -

I contend that the educated elite should (note emphasis on *should*) understand the investment opportunity that this immigration policy would provide.

My bachelors degree in business (economics) taught me essentially zero as compared to my short, yet informative dabble in real estate & investment brokerage. US education is faultering thanks to its failure to acknowledge that it, too, is subject to business cycles. Couple that with a hyper-emphasis on liberal arts rather than history, mathematics, economics and so forth - and we fully understand why we are where we are. If only my peers, the 'educated young' understood that forcing lending in efforts to satisfy the federal governments request to extend home ownership to less wealthy & minorities, we may not have the situation to deal with in the first place.



People who lierally hate fox news, have got some eiusors control issues. They must have control issues for them to be so up in arms about one cable network that has a bias right, as opposed to the umpteen left leaning networks , hundreds of print media outlets, not to mention the hollywood brain that all thinks the same , brain washing our impressionable kids with liberal bull shoot. I guess the Universities in America, being over 90% Liberal/ socialist isnt enough either. Get a life maple tree wipes.

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