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World Citizen

When that happens, kiss your privacy goodbye, as the usage of such robots inside US will violate it.

I'd be more excited about nano robots that can travel in blood vessels and kill the cancer cells...

Greg O'Byrne

Here is another acellerating change technology topic for you to cover.


...and you still should get a generic email addy so I can send story ideas to you somewhere else besides your comments. IMHO.


This will only end up in an ever increasing spiral of an arms race between better quality robotic insects, and high-tech bug zappers. At some point the $39.95 bug zapper from Wal-Mart won't be good enough anymore.

chanel outlet

When that happens, kiss your privacy goodbye, as the usage of such robots inside US will violate it.

I'd be more excited about nano robots that can travel in blood vessels and kill the cancer cells...

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