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Henry James

Growth in misandry awareness is probably exponential for our current decade, so most of the growth will occurs in the later years. If you assume a 25% annual growth rate for 2010-2019, current misandry awareness levels are a fifth of what they'd be in 2020, given that rate of growth. So misandry awareness would be 9.3 times higher in 2020 than it was in 2010, and 5.3 times higher in 2020 than it is now.

Google Insights for Search reports 18 units of search popularity for 'misandry' in the US in early January 2010, and 48 for the end of June 2012, for an annual growth rate of 48%. However, there's lots of variability in the search popularity over time. Searches are highest in Maryland, neighbor to the nation's capital.

With that 48% annual growth rate, a quarter way through the decade, we're only at one nineteenth of projected misandry awareness levels of 2020. But, I think a sustained ~50% growth rate is a bit much - an average rate of 30% sounds a lot more reasonable, putting us at about 14% of 2020 awareness levels.

Link: http://www.google.com/insights/search/#q=misandry&geo=US&date=1%2F2010%2030m&cmpt=q

2010: 1
2012.5: (1+.25)^2.5
2020: (1 + .25)^10

2012.5/2020 = .1876 = 19% of the way to 2020 levels.

Rates & Growth Table Link: http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg268/scaled.php?server=268&filename=growthtable.jpg&res=landing

Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)

The Futurist,
perhaps another good question to ask is "why has the MRM-MRA area suppressed the remedy that men are asking for that has been delivered by ME?"

As you know I tested my remedy BEFORE you released your article. November 26th 2009. The remedy was PROVEN to work on that day. Yet that remedy has been RUTHLESSY SUPPRESSED by the MRA-MRM area.

I have been living and using that remedy for nearly THREE YEARS NOW. October 2009 to now. I have had NO GUVMENT CHALLENGE to the remedy just guvment stealing.

So why is it suppressed. How many years must a remedy be PROVEN before MRM-MRA decides to even TALK about it?

Here is my latest book for lads 16 to 30.


The Futurist

Henry James,

Exactly. This is why the concept was radical outside of the then-small androsphere on 1/1/2010. But now, a poll will show results that give misandrists the shivers (many of whom still dismiss any notion that men could possibly be on the end of unjust laws).

The poll is designed to shock the misandrists.


Many so-called MRAs have no interest in activism whatsoever. They wallow in their victimhood.

Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)

The Futurist,
"Many so-called MRAs have no interest in activism whatsoever. They wallow in their victimhood."

Men who are not willing to defend their rights should be killed off by the Illuminati as "useless eaters". I have no time for any man who will not stand up for his own right. I am sick of the gutless stupid ignorant arrogant cowards who call themselves MRAs or MRMs. The Mens Business Association is up and running and open for business. Men cab have all the freedom and justice they are prepared to PAY for.

John Rambo

Great job writing that Misandry Bubble article. I'm the guy who founded the Boycott American Women site, and man, it exploded. It got millions of women PISSED AS HELL, and it also woke up millions of men.

Hundreds of articles on different websites talked about my Boycott American Women site, and it was also featured on a few national radio shows, and I also posted tens of thousands of links to my Boycott site on different places online.

As a result, I estimate that around 50 million people worldwide have come in contact with my blog and movement.

I took anti-feminism and put it in a simple way that even the common man can understand, and it was successful beyond my wildest dreams.

Anti-feminism is expanding rapidly, so who knows how big it will be in another couple of years? Already the women are shaking in fear, because they know how angry men are and that so many men are waking up now.


I am not sure where you posted links to this poll but I guess there must be some considerable selection bias.

The Futurist


That would abate over time. After 60 days pass, the selection bias will surely be moderated out (but I am confident that the majority will still reside with those who correctly see misandry for what it is).

The Futurist

John Rambo,

That is awesome! Great work in exposing the information.

People should make up their own minds, but always remember that the side that strengthens from the free flow of information always wins against the side that depends on suppressing the free flow of information.

I don't necessarily thing that American vs. foreign women are very different though. Rather, they are each subjected to very different laws, so the thoughts of each go in different directions. Foreign women seem 'better' only because they are not exposed to these perverse incentives.

Also, remember that even more than average women, it is the manginas/whiteknights/pedestalizers, who are the real reason for the problem. Transferring all costs onto them, equals victory.

John Rambo

Thanks for your reply.

You said "Transferring all costs onto them, equals victory."

Can you suggest or give an idea on how I can do the above? Obviously my Boycott blog mainly attacked western women, so how can I attack and destroy the white knight/mangina faggots instead? Even if I have to secretly act as a feminist (false flag type) in order to do so?

Yes, manginas are the true enemy, so can you give me some ideas on how to destroy them?

John Rambo

By the way, since you are Indian, I thought I would mention the following. I am a white American man, 27 years old, and I moved to India 5 years ago. I married a nice indian village girl, who is of good character and family background.

So it's kind of funny how things are getting reversed. Indians are moving to America, whereas Americans are moving to India.

The Futurist

John Rambo,

Can you suggest or give an idea on how I can do the above?

Hmmm.... interesting question.

I am of the belief that the hierarchy of misandric zeal is :

Hardcore feminists > Manginas/whiteknights > Average Women.

The average woman just wants to side with whoever is winning. If feminism seems like it is losing, they will pretend they never supported it. They are dishonest that way, but they don't really have enthusiasm for feminism either....

Manginas/whiteknights, however, are the ones who write and enforce all these laws.

Among ways to destroy them are :

1) Game. One man running Game deprives 10 manginas of what little crumbs they were getting. It is highly asymmetrical.
2) The URLs @ Urinals campaign (see my article on that).
3) Support the *tiny* number of women who strongly oppose misandry (Dr. Helen being the most prominent one). When manginas see a woman opposing misandry, they get confused about what their marching orders are.... they get confused about how to grovel, which reduces the amount of their whiteknighting.

Dr. Helen will have a book out soon.

The Futurist

John Rambo,

I am a white American man, 27 years old, and I moved to India 5 years ago. I married a nice indian village girl

You live in India? Which city?

Living in India is tough.... even for Indians who have seen the outside world. But since the laws don't enable women to profit from divorce, the divorce rate is presently low...

One worry about India is that feminist laws are being pushed through over there with great speed. Most Indians have no idea of anything other than traditional gender roles, but Anglosphere laws are being rammed into India (partly due to feminist content being in English, which makes India much more vulnerable than China, Brazil, or Mexico).

The Futurist

Even if I have to secretly act as a feminist (false flag type) in order to do so?

This actually *is* effective.

Say outlandish things that feminists often do in fact say (like men should be exterminated), and when manginas defend this, ordinary guys who see this will get more and more pissed off.

Pretending to be a hardcore female feminist who says over-the-top misandric things (only to see women and manginas in tacit approval of this) is actually effective and getting recruits against misandry.


You could move to Bangalore, it seems GS is opening many back office jobs there.

John Rambo

I presently live in West Bengal, but would rather not name the city, as I try to keep my identity hidden as much as possible. If western women ever figured out who "John Rambo", the guy who created Boycott American Women really is, they would probably attack my family in America, report me to the police, and who knows, maybe even try to extradite me to America based on some bullshit false charges. Believe me, the women are ANGRY AS HELL about my Boycott site. They would gladly kill me if they could.

The MRM in India is a joke. The politicians are criminals who are knowingly instituting these anti-male "laws" in order to destroy men, and the MRM in India is mainly focused on trying to change these "laws".

I am a friend of Peter Nolan, and he has explained that these are not laws at all, but statutes, and they can thus be ignored since they require your consent.

Peter's method will probably be the most effective, and yet the majority of MRAs have HATED ON both me and Peter, even though together we have accomplished more than all of these idiot MRAs combined. Like I said, I estimate that around 50 million people had heard about my blog and come in contact with it one way or another, so how many MRAs can claim that they have spread anti-feminism to 50 million people? You would think MRAs would be very happy about what I have done. And yet most of them have HATED on me. I think the MRA movement is actually being subverted from within by government intelligence operatives, but that's another story. Anyway, both me and Peter have given up on these MRA idiots.

I came to the conclusion that the only way men are going to wake up is if feminism becomes MORE EXTREME. So doing a feminist false flag and saying extreme misandric man hating things will serve to expose feminism to the common man for exactly what it is- a hate movement against men. So at this point, I think the best thing we can do is encourage women to become even more extreme and hateful towards men. Because obviously western men are such pussies, that even though feminism is already so extreme, most of them are still manginas. Obviously they haven't been abused enough to wake up, so they have to continue to be abused more and more until they finally grow some balls and wake the fuck up.

My email is [email protected], so let's keep in touch. You said in your Misandry article that you might consider moving back to India. Have you thought any more about that?

John Rambo

At the end of the Misandry Bubble article, you wrote:
"For those misandrists who say 'good riddance' with great haste, remember that blogging can still be done from overseas"

Funny, because that is actually how I have waged the majority of my anti-feminism war during the past year and a half, from a computer in India.

What's even more funny is how when I confront women on their lies and hypocrisy, the women freak out and scream "Oh god you are abusing and harassing us, I am reporting you to the FBI, police", and I laugh at them and tell them "There isn't SHIT you can do to me, since I am not living in America anymore".

That is the main reason I like India, is because of the amount of freedom I have here. That's another reason why I will never go back to America, because it has turned into a feminist police state.

Henry James

The Futurist, do you have any ideas on how to save the Men's Rights Movement from the Men's Rights Advocates?

I get a glimmer of a MRA site and feel supportive, and then I see more and get extremely turned off. These are the men who are proud to call themselves 'true feminists.' They seem to resent traditional masculinity and traditional sex roles as a whole, because they've failed at being men. For instance, they will support women in combat roles just to equalize the burden across the sexes, regardless of the consequences. I'm ashamed of these men. They go on and on about male circumcision, which if nothing else is distracting.

I even got squelched on the Reddit MR site for discussing the concept of marital rape, and how it is a relatively new and still legally controversial concept. I didn't take a firm stance on it either way, but that was enough to get me sent off the island.

Hell, they even white-knight confirmed man-haters: http://www.manwomanmyth.com/mens-rights-movement/reddit-mens-rights-sinks-even-lower/

John Rambo

Henry, the vast majority of MRAs are useless people who do nothing but whine. Look at the Spearhead comment sections. You see the same guys on there day in and day out whining about feminists and the system. What you never see are people who actually present real solutions.

Peter Nolan came up with a solution and has presented it in his book, it is a free eBook and only 120 pages, and it will answer your question. Download it here:

Read Online: http://www.mensbusinessassociation.com/Forums/tabid/752/forumid/85/scope/threads/Default.aspx
Download PDF: http://www.mensbusinessassociation.com/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=hNKVd0Hr7bU%3d&tabid=753&mid=1703


To The Futurist,

In response to another commenter on another blog you said that mastering the way women communicate is one of the three most important elements of Game. Can you please name the other two?

And could you please list any websites, books, DVDs you believe are most useful in explaining the three elements?

The Futurist


I am always glad when someone asks questions like these.

The other two elements are :
1) Being able to do a large number of approaches.
2) Knowing how to escalate kino seamlessly.

Without approaches, there are not enough opportunities to practice, so progress will not occur.

As far as books, Mystery Method is usually the best one. I am also a fan of Roosh, and his 'Day Bang' book is a great resource for day game (he overcomes the approach anxiety problem in the best way I have ever seen anyone tackle it).

Another book that is great for learning about the signals women drop is 'Undercover Sex Signals' by Leil Lowndes. It has photos, etc., and will reveal that a lot of (attractive) men are missing 90% of the subtle signals women toss their way..

Websites : Many. Heartiste, Roosh, etc. are all good.


We all know that universities are some of the most politically correct places. But still a friend of mine got dismissed at Cambridge university for statements which are obvious for people who are used to manosphere and evolutionary psychology ideas:

- http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/06/25/martin-sewell-racist-cambridge-university-academic_n_1623370.html

Snake Oil Baron

I hesitated before voting for the top option because I am not in a position to judge whether it is getting worse or just more obvious. I also am not sure that I see misandry as a completely separate issue from the general insanity/stupidity that pervades our whole planet. When black men can be branded as white supremacists by white men for the crime of not being Marxists; when habitual liars and fraud artists can continue to be considered not just scientific experts but worthy of the role of peer reviewers in their field; when the vilest of human beings can be appointed by the UN to head committees meant to combat the acts they are seasoned experts in performing... then one needs to realize that there is more than just a few diseased ideologies at play here. And if I need any more evidence that the world is hopelessly hopped up on goofballs... Joe Biden is Vice President of the United States of America.


Futurist, thank you much for the advice.

Dad of One

I am not as sure that the problem is that 'Men want to wallow in their misery,' as Peter-Andrew states. The unfortunate fact is that the overwhelming majority of men still have to work, and many work multiple jobs, just to make ends meet. They simply do not have the time to devote to activism. While women get a pass and have jobs which allow them to devote to activism while at work, most men do not have this option. It would be great if women were held to the same standard as men at work (or anywhere else for that matter).

The Futurist

Dad of One,

I created a way for activism to occur within those constraints. It is called the URLs @ Urinals campaign.

It is not anything profound, but it is something indeed was effective in building awareness. And while some people did great work for that campaign, a lot of so-called MRAs scoffed at it, that too without having any alternative ideas. They indeed oppose *all* activism.

Men do have many advantages, in that truth is on their side, and misandrists are heavily dependent on more men being kept unaware of what the laws are.

Ravilyn Sanders

Guys, (I am sure there are not many gals) watch out for self selection bias. People with differing views are not going to read this blog, much less post or vote.

The Futurist


Not true. This poll has gone to many feminist/misandrist sites, and this blog is not even about the subject of misandry.

Plus, the article says that anyone who thinks there is a selection bias is welcome to post this poll in a place where a lot of 'feminists' can vote on it.

You just don't like the results.

Ravilyn Sanders

Futurist you got your wish. Not sure it is going to change much.

URL for trackback:


The Futurist


Thanks for posting that. A dailykos influx greatly reduces or even eliminates the notion that the selection bias favors men who might be overestimating misandry.

It does appear that even the votes after you posted on dailykos were 40 for 'yes' and 50 for 'no'. So even 40-45% of the voters from *dailykos* voted yes.

Men are waking up to reality, just as The Misandry Bubble predicted.

Thanks again. I would be happy if you posted the poll in other high-traffic locations that you perceive to be less biased, so we can both see the results.

Again, even 40% of DailyKos voting 'Yes' is tremendous.

Ravilyn Sanders

The Futurist,

Yes was winning 98 to 2 before posting the poll in Dailykos. I said may be there is some sample bias. You denied it strongly and claimed the poll has been posted to "many feminist/ misandrist sites" and is still winning 98 to 2.

I posted it on Dailykos, it was on the main landing page for about 15 minutes, gathering about 100 votes. There Yes is losing some 40 to 60.

Now you imagine a very strong sample bias for Dailykos visitors and against that imaginary benchmark you are convincing yourself that a loss 40 to 60 is really a victory.

I think any poll that shows 98 to 2 to any side is due to sample bias. You can't get 98% even on questions like, "Do you agree the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West?" or "Do you believe USA is a continent between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans?"

The Dailykos visitor number is more realistic. Among the people with decent English skills and access to the internet some 40% could believe the men are getting a raw deal.

The Futurist


DailyKos is not a sample of the general population, anymore than San Francisco's political makeup represents the entire US electorate. If DailyKos is 40% for yes, then another mainstream but non-leftist site like Instapundit would be 80% yes.

At any rate, the possibility of sample bias goes down over time. I intend to have this poll at the top for 60 days or more..

Post the poll a few other places in addition, even on Feministing or Jezebel if you want. Let's see what happens then.

And it was never 98-2. The most it got was 95-2-3. A minor detail.

The most stunning point would be that DailyKos could be 40%. It is time to stop denying that misandry is imaginary, and recognize when a megatrend is shifting....

Ravilyn Sanders

The Futurist,

You now predict just 80% yes vote even on a non-leftist site like Instapundit. But still you are not willing to recant your earlier statement: "the poll has been posted to many feminist sites and the 95% yes vote [at 11 AM Jul 06] has no sample bias".

I think your credibility would be enhanced, not reduced, if you adopt the tone, "yes, 95% could be due to sample bias, but still even if you discount for sample bias, ..."

BTW 95% yes would not be the leading indicator of a new emerging trend, but it would be the trailing indicator of something accepted as conventional wisdom.


Are you the author of the blog? If so, my compliments. I liked many of your statistics and view points in other subjects. Hope you would at least agree that I presented you fairly on Dailykos.

The Futurist


Yes, I am the author, and yes, you did present fairly at DailyKos. In fact, I want you to post it on more places of comparable politics, just so I can see if the polling trend remains robust against (presumably) adverse bias.

Fine, I recant that the 95% had no sample bias, and that without bias it would be closer to 80% or even 75%. That still is terrible news for 'feminists'. This is so far into landslide zone that I can afford to be generous.

My point was that I did not overtly post it to many sites strongly likely to vote 'yes', but 'feminists' already piled on in the first day seeking to tilt the vote, with an ineffectiveness that surprised even me. So the 95% was without me even posting to places I knew would get results I wanted. I haven't even pulled out the guns that I could pull out.... I haven't needed to.

Frankly, when I started this poll, I would have been happy with even a total 40% voting 'Yes' here, because I can think of no greater deliberate injustice in the US/UK that is met with so little opposition. At least the silent sentiment has moved greatly, and you can see why I posted the poll now, rather than 2.5 years ago in the original article (which is proving prophetic, as intended).

That it is still 87% exceeds all my expectations, and you would agree that even if you think there is still sample bias, that it would decrease over time.

I would be jubilant if Instapundit were 75%, and that DailyKos is even 40%. DailyKos is 40%..... think about the possibility of this being a strong indicator the complaints about misandry are legitimate.

I encourage you to read the entire Misandry Bubble article again, and I'll be happy if you agree with just 60% of it.

Keep in mind that both Democrats and Republicans practice misandry as it is the most powerful way to expand government and strip away civil rights, and so 40% opposition to it on DailyKos is not entirely surprising in that light.

Ravilyn Sanders

Good. I will keep an open mind and read more.

I don't believe misandry is a serious issue. This is what I believe: Till about 11000 years ago women produced 60% or more of the GDP of the community by gathering, while men probably accounted for about 40% by hunting. Women had lots of social power, and the sexual selection was the driving force of human evolution since the split off from the Chimpanzees 4 to 7 million years ago. Then with the invention of agriculture and sedentism, the balance of power shifted to men. Women got the work that does not figure in GDP calculations, and lost lots of political power.

Now in the Western countries many trends are bringing back the old powers the women had 11 millennia ago. Intellectual labor fetches more money, laws favor equal treatment, Government establishes law and order reducing the need for a husband-protector, lack of respect for household work and chores etc. Now women want political power in proportion to their contribution to the GDP. Legislatures, board rooms, positions of power are still lop-sidedly in the hands of men.

In other places, India, China, Arab-muslim lands, New Guinea, Africa, Caribbean, South America, the societies are still organized in very traditional post-agricultural nation-state model and women have very little power, socially, politically and sexually.

So "the problem of misandry" is the preoccupation of a few men in Western countries who see their traditional power eroding. If it is really eroding, I feel it is a good thing.

As I said, these are just my beliefs that I came to based on my understanding of Jared Diamond, Desmond Morris, Richard Dawkins, Nicholas Wade and few more evolution/anthropology authors. Some my beliefs will be wrong, some of them will be projections of my prejudice on their writing. I expect at least some of them to be right.

The Futurist


Are you male or female?

laws favor equal treatment,

Actually, no. There are many laws overtly biased against men, and women receive far lower sentences for the same crime. There is a two-tier justice system in America at the moment.

A man cannot jail a woman on his word alone, but women can do this to men, and do so all the time. 41% of all rape accusations are false.

Laws that favored equal treatment would take a lot of special privileges away from women, in fact.

and women have very little power, socially, politically and sexually.

Not true. They have a lot of power, and always did.

Men were sent to die in wars in *all* societies (including Islamic), long before a woman would face harm. Since the number of babies born was dependent on the number of women entirely, not the number of men, societies were quite willing to send half the men to die before any women would risk harm.

If women in the 19th century or earlier were asked if they wanted to trade places with men (i.e. dying on the battlefield vs. tending to a kitchen), most would say no.

Regarding modern society, laws regarding unilateral asset division, alimony to women on a 'no fault' basis, and default child custody to the women even if the man has done nothing wrong, are horrendously unfair, and indeed the most unjust laws in the last 140 years. Anyone who fails to find this unjust after seeing how lopsided things are, effectively believes that short-term gains for women are more important than the well-being of children and fathers.

So "the problem of misandry" is the preoccupation of a few men in Western countries who see their traditional power eroding.

Entirely wrong. The sheer landslide results of the poll indicate many women voted 'yes' too, as they see their sons and grandsons denigrated and marginalized.

You need to look into the concept of 'apex fallacy'. Your entire supposition of female oppression is based on comparing the average woman to the topmost men, while ignoring the far less luxurious life of the average man.

Remember that unless average men have the incentive to do the hard work that keeps the lights on and the roads paved and technology advancing (work that is 99% done by men), they won't do it. They might as well become pickup artists than men who care about crime rates and school quality.

That is why many women are writing articles screaming about how more and more men are seeing marriage as a bad deal fraught with risk, and thus avoiding it.

Making marriage unattractive for men is just about the fastest way to destroy a society.

Ravilyn Sanders

I am male. Indian American. IIT Madras, IISc Bangalore and UT Arlington.

The Futurist


Arre Bap re Bap.... Heyy Bhagwan....

You actually could have passed for a Western female feminist. I would *never* have guessed you were an Indian raised in India.

Let me tell you a few things, and point you to a few sites, that will vastly change your life for the better.

1) Women do NOT like male feminists. They just see them as someone to pick up the tab, which they can be duped into doing endlessly. Anyone who told you otherwise has given you the worst possible life advice.

Given this is probably the real reason you are a male feminist, go read two sites immediately :


You won't like what you read, but the sooner you accept those truths (which are heavily peer reviewed), the sooner you can improve your results with women (assuming you are a straight male).

I repeat, being a 'male feminist' is extremely counterproductive to any man who wants to actually be sexually attractive to women. This is just about the most important advice anyone can give you.

2) Indian customs regarding marriage, etc. demonstrate a far more accurate understanding of female psychology, that absurd Western 'feminism' which has so many logical holes in it that no thinking person can miss them.

The Misandry Bubble explains this, even with Indian perspectives. Lest you think Indian traditions are 'oppressive', note that India is a country where almost all children grow up with both biological fathers, while in America, more the half do not (the father being tossed out by the state).

Before you respond with 'dowry abuse', what is done to children and fathers in the US, especially the last 25 years, is far worse, and more widespread.

3) Some of the smartest and most well-informed critics of feminism are in fact Indian. In fact, your background *should* make you one of the least likely people to be duped by 'feminism'.

Go read those for the next 30 days.

Ravilyn Sanders

The Futurist,
Are you Indian too? We were speculating you are probably an IITian in our alumni mailing group.

I am probably old enough to be your father or at least a balding uncle. Anyway this misandry problem does not grip me, I have other axes to grind ;-) Planning to write a small word of caution later this evening to you and then go back to the lurking mode.

Ravilyn Sanders

Some minor points about misandry:
There are many laws overtly biased against men, and women receive far lower sentences for the same crime. There is a two-tier justice system in America at the moment.

A man cannot jail a woman on his word alone, but women can do this to men, and do so all the time. 41% of all rape accusations are false.

This is different from legally preventing women from voting or denying them property rights. Everytime environment changes, people will adapt, and criminals are good early adapters. Women who game the system are perjurers. Deal with them case by case as we do with burglars and drug dealers.

Men were sent to die in wars in *all* societies (including Islamic), long before a woman would face harm. Since the number of babies born was dependent on the number of women entirely, not the number of men, societies were quite willing to send half the men to die before any women would risk harm.

Men were sent to die by other men. Societies were ruled by men. Women stayed safe for the same reason gold and cows stayed safe. They were property.

the last 140 years 140 years is a blip. I am looking at trends over the last 4 million years and see the last 10000 years as an aberration, and you obsess with 140 years!

Anyway as I said earlier, this misandry thing does not grip me. I have enough other things to obsess. So going on lurking mode again.

A word of caution: You write well, gather data and present it well. Your views are well outside the mainstream. Take some effort prevent misogynists and chauvinists from reading more than what you mean in your writings. Such people in the past have misinterpreted all religious scriptures to justify their bigotry, misinterpreted science to justify their own perceived superiority. They will be attracted to your blog and your views. They are poison. The moment you say something they don't like, they will turn against you. Just look at what is happening to Krohn and Justice Roberts.

Wish you well, in your fight against misandry. Even if it is true it is not my battle.

Ray Manta

Ravilyn Sanders wrote:
Now in the Western countries many trends are bringing back the old powers the women had 11 millennia ago.

Women had no such "powers" 11 millenia ago. If they were abandoned by their menfolk, they'd either be incorporated by another tribe in short order, or perish. I suspect you've been reading too much of charlatan anthropologists like Helen Fisher.

It also appears that The Futurist's position is that these "powers" that women have are temporary and the balance of power will be brought back to men in the 21st century. He can of course speak for himself here.

Intellectual labor fetches more money,

Most effective intellectual labor is performed by men. A male inventor such as the inventor of the flush toilet does far more to improve the human condition than a female Human Resources manager ever could.

laws favor equal treatment,

No, laws favor preferential treatment of women over men.

Government establishes law and order reducing the need for a husband-protector,

Basically it transfers wealth from men to women. Is that your idea of a fair or just scheme?

lack of respect for household work and chores etc.

Not sure what you're getting at here.

Now women want political power in proportion to their contribution to the GDP. Legislatures, board rooms, positions of power are still lop-sidedly in the hands of men.

I understand that the percentages of sanitation engineers, mechanics, garbage collectors, and coal miners are also lopsidedly male. So are the percentages of workplace deaths. Why no outcry about that?

As I said, these are just my beliefs that I came to based on my understanding of Jared Diamond, Desmond Morris, Richard Dawkins, Nicholas Wade and few more evolution/anthropology authors.

Jared Diamond and Desmond Morris at least are raving feminists. You should take what they write with a grain of salt.

Ray Manta

Ravilyn Sanders wrote:
the last 140 years 140 years is a blip. I am looking at trends over the last 4 million years

Four million years ago, the nearest approximation to the human race was something like Australopithecus. Humanity has only been in its present form for about 200,000 years.

and see the last 10000 years as an aberration,

That "aberration" turned humans into the undisputed masters of the planet. I find your glorification of the uber-distant past to be rather peculiar. Would you be satisfied being a small-brained, child-sized hominid if it brought us greater sexual equality? I'd much rather be a creature that is capable of calculus and interplanetary travel, even if it meant that women had to play a subordinate role.

and you obsess with 140 years!

The last two centuries have brought about a fundamental change to the human condition through the Industrial Revolution. Yes, I think he should be obsessed.


Lack of male incentive for doing new stuff: http://newamerica.net/publications/policy/out_of_business

The Futurist

Ravilyn Sanders,


Dude, only people who understand the Accelerating Rate of Change will get much out of reading this blog.

In other words, the last 140 years had more change than the 5000 before that.

...and the next 25 years will have more change than the prior 140.

Other than that, Ray Manta has done a good point-by-point rebuttal. As an Indian with a technical background, your reasons for being a 'male feminist', Ravilyn, reveal a huge lack of direct experience with single women in a non-traditional environment. Indians in the old days had arranged marriages, which served a purpose appropriate to the era, but prevented people from learning even the very basics of the subject of human sexual psychology.

That said, many traditional Indian customs (dowry, women remaining virgins at marriage, marriage at ages earlier than 25, etc.) were designed around an excellent understanding of female psychology. The downside of that is that individual Indians are utterly clueless about the subject. The customs worked *too* well, in that regard.

You just don't know enough about the subject of female psychology (ponder, if you would, why a serial killer gets love letters from thousands of women, but Mark Zuckerberg does not).

And no, age does not equal wisdom on this matter. I would further add that an IIT education is so glorified in India that the holder tends to assume that he is an expert on all subjects. This makes learning new things, and outside-the-box thinking, harder.

Of the future

Great conversation and some very constructive information being debated over. Misandry is an ancient concept and i believe it really isn't valid anymore. I think the bubble burst a long time ago and many people come out to show they're views during the recession because they have nothing else to do! They want someone to blame. We can always see radical groups from the sexes or the different races. There are always going to be these radical groups which bubble during a recession but they are pillars to our society. I believe it was Aristotle that once said that Compassion and fairness are the two main characteristics of human life. I really do believe in this but people do change during hard times.

Askin @ http://xofthefuture.info


Other than that, Ray Manta has done a good point-by-point rebuttal. As an Indian with a technical background, your reasons for being a 'male feminist', Ravilyn, reveal a huge lack of direct experience with single women in a non-traditional environment. Indians in the old days had arranged marriages, which served a purpose appropriate to the era, but prevented people from learning even the very basics of the subject of human sexual psychology.

I am not Indian but what I've been hearing from Indians in the Bay Area is that in the more cosmopolitain areas of India the arranged marriages are going by the way-side. I figure India is still about 40 years behind us but change will happen more quickly when the first 'no-default' divorce laws are passed over there.

The Futurist


Yeah. A lot of 'feminist' literature being in English makes India a lot more vulnerable to ludicrous laws being passed, than Brazil or China would be...

Laws similar to VAWA already exist, and even the husband's *parents* can be jailed by the wife on her word alone, for extortion purposes.

Beyond that, all sorts of quotas for women in parliament, mayorships, etc. already exist in India.


Beyond that, all sorts of quotas for women in parliament, mayorships, etc. already exist in India.

Oh yes! India has got to be the number one nation where it comes to widespread affirmative action programs enacted. They eclipse even us.

One of our fresh-off-the-plane engineers from Bangalore was at lunch with us and sincerely said, "You mean Obama was not picked to be your president because of a quota system for blacks? We all thought so in India."

One of the lefties in our crowd was swallowing a meatball when he said that and started to choke on it. He came THAT close to being Heimliched. Somehow he managed to hork it up into his mouth. Barry Hopenchanger came real close to losing a core voter that day.

That poor engineer was wondering why he upset everyone. That's when I pre-empted the Lefties by explaining to him how quotas are bad things to talk about in public even though we have them in America (I deliberately did not correct him about Obama being chosen by quota, though). The Lefties couldn't argue with me but I could tell they didn't think my answer was the one they would have given..they just weren't sure how it wasn't exactly correct and got confused by that.

But they snapped to attention on got back on the guilt-trip bandwagon when he innocently then asked, "Why are you upset? You're all white?"

Ah, another interesting day in SOMAville, San Francisco.


"I don't believe misandry is a serious issue. This is what I believe: Till about 11000 years ago women produced 60% or more of the GDP of the community by gathering, while men probably accounted for about 40% by hunting."

Looooooooooooooooool. And how do you figure women produced a consistent 60% of household food by "gathering" (not farming) when even the results of FARMING are determined seasonally and by random weather patterns? Have you ever done any gathering yourself? I doubt it. If you had, you'd know that to even come close to that number,the women would have had to gather over the equivalent of hundreds of miles of farmland a week because of inconsistent terrain and irrigation conditions, and that is unlikely given that women today won't even walk to their cars in a lit parking lot after dark without acting like people are just lining up to rape them. You're asking us to believe that women fought off men from other tribes and natural predators, WITH their children in tow, to "gather" (not farm) over hundreds of miles and outperformed men who followed entire herds of game to the places where they were concentrated and killed them (usually by driving them into a pit,or over a cliff) during mass culls. This is not to mention the goods they most likely were able to bring in with early metallurgic efforts by creating bronze,which was a highly sought after material.

"Women had lots of social power, and the sexual selection was the driving force of human evolution since the split off from the Chimpanzees 4 to 7 million years ago."

That's true, but lunatics also had social power for the same reason, people thought they had magical powers. Do you favor returning lunatics to their previous social prestige as well?

"Then with the invention of agriculture and sedentism, the balance of power shifted to men. Women got the work that does not figure in GDP calculations, and lost lots of political power."

Do what? Care to explain how agriculture would shift the balance in MEN'S favor? How did women "get" the work? What agriculture-related jobs would women be unable to do where men's superior strength or reasoning would lend them an advantage? I've worked in the food industry from the ranching and growing side,it's not rocket science. Men probably thought it up,sure,but I just cannot fathom the scenario you mention taking place. It does not comport at all with my experience of the human condition. If true, the people you mention would have to have possessed the same childlike greed and jealousy made available by easy living and at-your-fingertips technology we have today where they could afford pissing off workers with ill-thought-out King of The Hill games, and it just doesn't agree with the picture of the brutal existence where all hands were necessary and a hard day's work earned you your salt that I see emerging from my own studies of this time period.

It sounds like the naive picture of an ideologue,wishing to paint a portrait of historical oppression at the hands of simple black-and-white morality tale villains of the Snidely Whiplash variety.

"Now in the Western countries many trends are bringing back the old powers the women had 11 millennia ago. Intellectual labor fetches more money, laws favor equal treatment, Government establishes law and order reducing the need for a husband-protector, lack of respect for household work and chores etc."

And these conditions would NOT have existed at the time you mention (when the power supposedly shifted in men's favor) when people made a shift from a very hard and typically fatal nomadic lifestyle to a relatively more easy
and comfortable agrarian lifestyle because........?

"Now women want political power in proportion to their contribution to the GDP."

And you don't think having the same (actually better because men cannot play the sex card and turn on the waterworks when the questions get too tough) opportunity to vote or run for political office that any man receives because......?

"Legislatures, board rooms, positions of power are still lop-sidedly in the hands of men."

And you would fix that....how? Just take these people's careers,that they did in fact EARN and dedicate their lives to away and give them to women based on your interpretation of a time period that could very well turn out to be a load of bullshit once more archeological evidences surfaces about it? How do you handle it if it turns out you were wrong? Just take the jobs away from the women and hand them back to the men and upend two lives instead of 1 next time around? Or not,huh? I bet you wouldn't even have the balls to admit you were wrong even if the evidence was staring you in the face. Oh well,no need to lose sleep over wronging some men. They're not very pretty to look at,anyway.

"In other places, India, China, Arab-muslim lands, New Guinea, Africa, Caribbean, South America, the societies are still organized in very traditional post-agricultural nation-state model and women have very little power, socially, politically and sexually."

Yeah,well I'm sorry about that,but for one thing the rest of the world hates us for interfering in their societies as it is, and for another I'm loathe to put those men in the position where a false claim from a woman might result in their being castrated by a hysterical mob. Call me crazy,but I prefer even a flawed system of justice over mob rule.

"So "the problem of misandry" is the preoccupation of a few men in Western countries who see their traditional power eroding. If it is really eroding, I feel it is a good thing."

Yeah,it's a great thing to be at the mercy of people who hate you because of your biological demographic. If you're Hindu, I suppose you'd love it if your Hindu power eroded in your country and all your people were run by the Muslims in your country. If you're Muslim, I assume you must really enjoy having your power eroded by the Hindus who govern you. If they tell you tomorrow that you must practice Hinduism instead of Islam, I bet you'd feel great about being subjected to an alien set of religious beliefs,based on your statements.

At least men have ATTEMPTED to apply laws in an egalitarian,color-blind,sex-blind manner in the West recently.It wasn't always perfect,but we are ATTEMPTING to move in a direction that is more fair to everyone. If "male power"(objective governance) "erodes" in the West you can say goodbye to the presumption of innocence, equal rights, and for that matter,the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Women will determine that the ones who are FEEELING most aggrieved today
get to tell everyone else what to do. Guess who that will be? Most of the time, it will be the women themselves. The rest of the time it will be the token violent thugs they're willing to cede an illusion of favor to in order to "buy" sex from them in a perverse inversion of the way male-female sexual relations work at the coarsest and most base level.

If you feel the Spanish Inquisition was a good thing, you'll love what happens when a bunch of people with no aptitude for objective scrutiny and who lack the capacity for thinking in pragmatic long-term ways about the potential impact of a certain piece of legislature on the rights of vast swathes of the population whose interests and goals do not intersect with their own on any level,but who are nonetheless deserving of the same OPPORTUNITIES that others receive,come to power.

Women have never even been charged with commanding a squadron of soldiers and making decisions regarding the lives of a relatively small sample of human beings. The only real claim they can make to this is a historical position of preeminence over children. Do YOU enjoy being treated like a child? I don't.

So you tell ME how the fuck women are qualified to rule over all of us,when their typical charges have been children and themselves, and their understanding of "power" is as simple as "telling others what to do" and does not admit for the "being responsible for the lives and welfare of millions" part of power?

Do YOU even understand what being the head of a company,a legislative board, or a country amounts to?

"A man cannot jail a woman on his word alone, but women can do this to men, and do so all the time. 41% of all rape accusations are false."

"This is different from legally preventing women from voting or denying them property rights."

Thank you,Captain Obvious. Yes,it is slightly different. It is still a grievous misuse of the power allotted to a group by society. In that, it is absolutely no different than using one's ability to vote in order to deprive another of that right. And, lest we lose an important nugget of truth here, women were not continuously or universally denied the right to vote during the early days of The United States at least,nor were MEN universally and continuously extended that right. People under the age of 18 are STILL denied the right to vote. There is no scientific basis for the belief that a young person cannot vote rationally or in the interests of the nation, it is simply a commonly held belief in the same way that it was commonly held that women could not vote in such a manner. WHEN will we see feminists demanding an end to THIS outrage? The answer is ....never. It doesn't matter to them because it is a group other than women who are being discriminated against. This is a pattern with the "egalitarian" feminist movement. You can set your watch by it.

An issue is an example of the worst kind of oppression and tyranny when it affects women, when it affects others (like blacks, who feminists tried to keep from gaining the right to vote before they did),eh....not so much.

"Everytime environment changes, people will adapt, and criminals are good early adapters. Women who game the system are perjurers. Deal with them case by case as we do with burglars and drug dealers."

Women who game the system do so by changing the laws or the system itself so we cannot deal with them as we do with burglars and drug dealers. Case in point: Domestic violence. When a man denies a woman sex,it constitutes abuse, even though they are unlikely to do so because they really want to have sex. When a woman, who is much more likely to do so,does it,the domestic violence counselors don't give a shit and tell you to stop whining. It's not like you have a right to her body or anything, you male chauvinist pig,you. This is a direct consequence of WOMEN CHANGING THE SYSTEM so that the earlier, commonsense approach to domestic violence,i.e. her eyes are black so he's been abusing her was changed to a "more nuanced understanding, that encompasses the totality of victims' experiences" that basically allows a woman to claim you abused her if you told her to shut up once, without being subject to the same assessment if she replied "NO, YOU shut up!". Which is it? Is shouting at your spouse abuse,or isn't it? We'll never get an answer because the present understanding of domestic violence dictates that asking a woman to explain herself is a form of abuse.

Wake up and smell the goddamned discrimination.


"And you don't think having the same (actually better because men cannot play the sex card and turn on the waterworks when the questions get too tough) opportunity to vote or run for political office that any man receives accomplishes this because......?"

Sorry 'bout this typo,and any others I miss,people. I'm not really going for 100% literary correctness. As long as my point can be understood,I don't really care at this particular moment.

Ray Manta

PaybacksABitch wrote:
Looooooooooooooooool. And how do you figure women produced a consistent 60% of household food by "gathering" (not farming) when even the results of FARMING are determined seasonally and by random weather patterns?


The url above suggests that meat typically made up 50-65% of the human diet, not 40%. I've always been more than a bit skeptical of the claims that women's gathering brought in the majority of calories. This would be especially true in a temperate or cold region.

If the above findings are accurate (they seem quite reasonable to me) it's another nail in the coffin for Ravilyn's notion of a female golden age of power and influence in prehistory.

The Futurist

Remember that 11,000 years ago, the period which Ravilyn thinks was so great, human life expectancy was about 28 years. That went for women too, not just men.


Hello all! I am a male, 43 and found "The Misandry Bubble" article (as well as this website) by accident. After reading it, I believe it to be an absolutely fascinating article and very accurate. Major kudos to the author.

I believe the author could have gone one step further to talk about misandry in schools. Boys are in huge trouble and have fallen behind girls tremendously. I was an elementary school teacher (the only adult male in the whole school!) for six years at a suburban Chicago school and let me tell you what a frustrating experience that was! You will not find a more politically correct/female-friendly environment than a public school! It was one of the reasons why I left after only a few years.

Before being hired there was an extensive background check (I guess they wanted to make sure I was not a pedophile). Every year that I was there I heard that one or two parents (usually the mother) found it uncomfortable at the thought of me teaching their children. I met one of the parents and, in a private conversation, told her that I knew she was uncomfortable with me teaching her daughter. I asked her point-blank why she felt that way (I was told by another that she was afraid of me touching her daughter). She was shocked at the question and tried to dodge the issue, but I kept on insisting (classic alpha male pose of hands on hips while giving her a mildly stern look to further rattle her) until it became unbearably uncomfortable for her. She finally broke down and admitted (with tremendous embarrassment) what I already knew. She nearly cried as she asked me to forgive her. I remained somewhat stern to her and told her I would forgive her if she readily admitted her prejudices. She did and there was no further trouble from her. By the way, her daughter absolutely adored me!!!

So that is one aspect I had to deal with. Now let's talk about the trouble with boys in the classroom. What I have noticed first and foremost in the classroom is that girls are much more conforming than boys are. Girls have no problem sitting quietly and paying attention in class. Boys, on the other hand, are energetic and restless. They require activity or they will zone out, especially if it's a subject they are not interested in. Also, girls are a little ahead in development in the elementary school stage and it is most noticeable when it comes to reading and writing skills. As a teacher I always try to get boys more engaged in order to improve those skills by employing lots of visual stimuli (with some degree of success).

I remember all the talk of many years ago of the countless efforts to improve girls' performance in math and science. Was it a good thing? Of course. But there was never any talk of improving boys' performance in reading and writing. And in my six years of teaching there was never any talk of it, despite the obvious problems that existed. I brought it up numerous times not only to the faculty, but to the school district as well as the Illinois State Board of Education. I even contacted my Congressman. To my shock, it was downplayed! Helping boys is politically incorrect in the education world.

Another problem with the school was its "zero tolerance" policy. I remember watching a couple of boys that were playfully wrestling during recess, but it was assumed by the female faculty members that they were fighting and called for them to be suspended from school. I had to fight for those two to not be suspended after having painfully explained to them that boys liked activities such as wrestling. More than once have I gotten into heated arguments about the women overreacting to boys behavior. Boys are naturally more aggressive than girls, but it does not mean he is threatening actual violence. Women seem to not understand that. Here is another example, my school contemplated the idea of removing many books on World War II (and books on the military in general) from its library all because one faculty member was worried that one boy had such an interest in the subject, that the fear was that he would display violent behavior. This was absolutely insane and I told that woman she was a complete idiot for thinking that way.

That was actually the last straw for me which led to my decision of leaving the teaching profession. I am convinced that elementary schools simply do not allow boys to be boys and the majority of teachers are clueless in how to teach them. I have mixed feelings of not teaching anymore. On the one hand, it pains me to see boys continuing to struggle in the classroom. On the other hand, it is nice to get away from all that stress and make more than double the money (I am a corporate researcher now and absolutely love it). Though I do volunteer tutoring from time to time.

This is such a huge problem that it has to be, in my opinion, one of national importance. Yes, there is discussion on the subject. Yes, there have been articles and books written on it. Unfortunately, it is nowhere near the scope of attention it deserves. This is a problem that will continue to affect boys as they go on with schooling. We have already seen that boys have:

• lower test scores than girls
• have higher drop-out rates than girls
• graduate high school in fewer numbers than girls
• go on to college in fewer numbers than girls
• graduate from college in fewer numbers than girls

This is a problem that isn't limited to here in the US, but in many countries for a long time. In fact, just a few days ago, there was a story on how, for the first time, women's IQ scores in some of the more developed countries, were higher than men's. Don't think for one minute this isn't the result of the efforts over the years to improve girls in school while ignoring the needs of boys.

You talk about the misandry bubble. I believe the problem for men begins in elementary school.

The Futurist


Thanks for sharing. At a minimum, you should have a list of all the women teachers who have molested underage boys, so they can't claim that men are somehow more risky than women.

Here is such a list :

M. Simon

The First Mate likes having a MAN. She is convinced that a MAN will be attractive to other women. She likes watching women flirt with me. It convinces her I'm a MAN and also keeps her on her toes because she knows I have options. She actually likes that. Unlike the feminazis who feel that the slot conveys ownership. She knows I can't be owned. She knows I have to be attracted. How did I get that attitude? A few years in an outlaw MC gang. Yeah. A bad boy aerospace engineer.

I ought to mention that attitude goes a very long way. I'm 68.


Hey Futurist, I just went by cracked.com and it strikes a major blow in your claim that Misandry is going to be publicly recognized as seen as a major issue. They just posted an article about "4 unhealthy mentalities that turned into movements". As part of the list, it listed MGTOW as one of them.

Now the article itself is expected, but it is the comments. The comments that shows what the readers and the people in a semi-random fashion shows. And the comments are filled those who speak in defense of the MRA movement downvoted to the ground while those who talk about how women are the oppressed with lower pay, violence, and etc are upvoted to the sky.

One guy even made an argument that women's hatred are not a big deal because men have so much more power, but men's hatred is a big deal because they have to power to channel it against women. Guess how much he got upvoted?

If there's hope that the light of day will come with that reforms to marriage laws and a reevaluation on our culture with the way we value and treat men and women. Cracked.com and its commentary and commentary voting paints a much stalker picture than the poll here where the favorable results seems to show there tons of people who agree but just not willing to voice it yet because every person things he is alone. We have a long way to go, that is assuming the destination will ever be reached.


The Futurist, your comment about how most so-called MRAs are just "wallowing in their own victimhood" struck me. I don't really consider myself a victim, but anyways, I haven't found ways to actually conduct activism, either. I'm thinking about starting a blog as well, but if you have any suggestions for what I can do to be an actual activist I am open to hear it.

I've also read your Misandry Bubble article and pretty much agree with it. However, I don't buy the promotion of the Venusian arts; I see it at best a waste of time and at worst a way to get around women's bad behavior just to get the dick wet. If you want to truly dismantle female sexual power and enjoy yourself, it's best to fight for the legalization of prostitution instead.
No need to worry about "alpha" or "beta" crap when you got money, no need to worry about women's approval (and obviously, having a lot more prostitutes around will decrease their prices as well, to probably something like a cheeseburger).

Ray Manta

Dreamer wrote:
Hey Futurist, I just went by cracked.com and it strikes a major blow in your claim that Misandry is going to be publicly recognized as seen as a major issue.

Doubling down behavior is to be expected.

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win". -- Gandhi.

They just posted an article about "4 unhealthy mentalities that turned into movements". As part of the list, it listed MGTOW as one of them.

The only bad publicity would be if they spelled "MGTOW" wrong. I'm very happy the manginas at Cracked.com are mentioning it. It means they're on the defensive.


I am an American man who currently lives part-time in Mexico and part-time in the United States. The difference between the two countries is like night and day when it comes to male/female relations.

I am engaged to a Mexican lady who is the complete opposite of all the American women I have ever had the misfortune of meeting. She does not have these strange beliefs that arguing with her constitutes abuse or that it's okay to screw 10 different men and if you get pregnant, just get an abortion. While abortion does happen here in Mexico, it's a condemned practice and happens behind closed doors; women who have received abortions keep their mouths shut and tell no one for fear of being ostracized.

Divorce is becoming more common unfortunately, but the great thing about divorce in Mexico is that there is no alimony and child support arrangements are decided not by the courts, but by the individual families. Another difference I have found is that unlike in the United States where most divorces are initiated by the woman, here the majority of divorces are initiated by the man, with the most common reason being that she was a bad wife. In other words, in the USA the pressure is on men to constantly be a good husband whereas in Mexico the pressure is on the woman to constantly be a good wife.

That brings me to another point: there is no such thing as a "white knight" here in Mexico. Men do not buy into feminist rhetoric here and I have never seen a man play white knight here in an attempt to get sex. I believe the reason for this is simple: prostitution is legal in Mexico (and very well regulated health-wise), so men can simply go get a prostitute instead of having to grovel in order to get sex. This has the side effect of placing additional pressure on women in order to be good women, since they know that men have the option of prostitutes.

Women are also MUCH easier to meet here too; women here understand that men are men and don't think men are all a bunch of "creeps" just because we say hi to them. In any average US city, it might take several months after arriving to get even a single woman's phone number; here I had 20 within a week after arriving. (The only exception to this rule being of course if you are rich; then it's very easy to get phone numbers in American cities). I also find it interesting that most men here who want a girlfriend have one; there isn't an epidemic of single men like in the United States, which also means that there is no epidemic of school/theater shootings either (a la George Sodini, Virginia Tech, Aurora Theater, etc).

Americans constantly moan about "press 1 for English" or about how the United States is filled with so many Spanish-speakers. I say it's their own fault. While the Mexicans are busy getting married and having children, the Americans prefer to live the high life of promiscuous sex and birth control, with one token child in their mid-30s after having to go to fertility clinics since the woman waited until she was past her reproductive prime. Meanwhile the average Mexican family in the United States has something like 3 or 4 children. If the misandry bubble doesn't burst soon, the Mexicans will take over the United States. And that doesn't bother me one bit.




Hmmm...is there a way to contact you direct, Futurist?
I have some questions

The Futurist


Just post the questions in the comments of some older article (like from 2006 or something), if you want to be private. Only I will know where they were posted, so I can answer them there.


The Futurist,
You made a post or comment that I want to repost to a forum.

Something along the lines of:
Once upon a time women used 100% of their reproductive years having children, but now very few. But our instincts are still stuck back then when it was optimal for men to redirect all resources to females so they could have children and productivity was low anyway. At the same time womens instincts from that time make them demand more resources infinitely...etc?

I dont even know it it was on this site or a comment on spearhead/PMAFT etc etc. Can you locate it and post it here?

The Futurist


Hmm.. I'll find it.

Eventually, I want to expand that point and add it as a new subsection in The Misandry Bubble. I think that point needs further elaboration.

The Futurist

Here are the comments :



I'll upgrade the writing and add these to The Misandry Bubble at some later date.

Ravilyn Sanders

Yeah, how many of you boys had to undergo what this woman went through?

She has posted four anecdotes so far, head of the linked list:


Compete with the girls on a level playing field or get out of the gene pool.

The Futurist


Level playing field? Given the extreme special treatment women receive now (as has been proven exhaustively), that would be a huge step back for them.

Most men go through much worse than what that woman went through. Funny that you should still use DailyKos as your source, given that it backfired in your face when you posted this poll there (even DailyKos readers think misandry is excessive).

I see you could not address the solid points that others presented, while still maintaining that the world of 11,000 years ago was somehow better. Now, you instead come back 3 months later with a feeble anecdote that does nothing to undo the shellacking you received before. Anecdotes are not trends, and do not counter the weight of logic you have been crushed by.

Pathetic. At any rate, the poll is still winning by a complete 90-7 landslide margin. That means that absurd 'feminists' are in a small minority, and the discredited ideology of 'feminism' is going to the ash-heap of history where it belongs, along side other hate-cult ideologies.

You still fail to realize that women find a groveler like you to be utterly repulsive. Story of your life, I suspect.


Not sure how and when Misandry will end... but one thing is elementary...It will end..
Could be technology, Could be calamities affecting great nations... or a mix of all... Whatever , with respect to human societies, natural competition that exists has always ensured that nothing has an upper hand always... there is always a hidden balancing hand in time...


Well...Obama won. What does this mean for men and for the US for the next four years? I am interested in hearing your thoughts.


Is this blog dead?

The Futurist

No, it is not dead. I just want this poll to be up for a long time.

The next 4 years will see more and more anti-male legislation. This will cause the men who seek not to be slaves to adapt more rapidly, leading to the collapse of the Misandry Bubble by 2020.


It's over for INDIA, turning into a feminist hell hole with all the women-favoring laws that are going to pass as the media is screaming its head off about gang rape while ignoring the fact that the one that got international attention was a rare and extreme case. Bye bye men's rights in INDIA, you're just another CUNTRY now.


Well, it looks like the Department of Defense has opened up all combat positions for women. God help us all. Does that mean women will be forced to register for Selective Service like the men must do? Doubt it.


skilaki, this opening up of combat positions is just an excuse to give women more promotions and higher titles/ income and status in the military. They will not force women to fight on front lines where the real danger and risk to life is present. Only men will face the enemy's bullets, women will be in the relative safety protected by men and not on the front line.

in response to The Futurist:

Problem of female supremacism will eventually spread to every country like India. Manhood101 was right when he said men can't just run away to a 3rd world country when Western women are out of control because the problem of feminism will just infect the next group of sweet women. The only solution is to teach men to go against their natural instincts and stop being manginas, teach them to stay in their own country and take control of their women/ relationships as a form of individual protest against misandrist press and governments around the world.

Sadly, I don't think year 2020 death of misandry deadline will be met because men are each others own worst enemies when it comes to enforcing feminism.


Did anyone catch the end of CBS' "Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer"? Apparently he was talking about how men have fallen behind women in terms of college graduation rates and in certain professional fields (i.e. physicians). He was railing on men who would rather spend time at a sports bar instead of doing something more productive with their lives.


I too would like to see an updated post. Futurist, if you want to keep the Misandry poll on top, perhaps you can update some of the older content with the latest information, such as how solar energy costs compare now, or how much telescope power there is....


I believe misandry and American decline go hand in hand. You still believe the US will be the only superpower by 2030? I believe we will see a societal and economic collapse before 2030. We are broke, yet continue to spend. We continue to let poorly educated, low-skilled illegals in and it looks like both political parties wish to grant some kind of amnesty. You want to talk about misandry? Talk about the backlash against white males.

America's future will look a lot like Detroit. It will not be pretty.


One day, your Misandry Bubble post will hit the mainstream media, and you'll get flooded. Can your server handle thousands of simultaneous visitors?
Read this then delete this comment (no need to give people ideas) or you can give other manosphere blogs a heads-up:
Their lowest tier is free and it has all you need.


Time for you to write about Digital Currency. If you are a futurist, you have got to be interested in the future of money and whether digital decentralized currencies will be part of it


Why the lack of update on this blog?


The Futurist seems to have gone AWOL.

You alive, sir?

The Futurist

Yes, I am here. I have several posts that are in varying degrees of completion, but just haven't got around to completing them.

The perma-traffic from a couple of notable articles relieves the pressure to write new articles, I have to admit.


The Futurist, how many visits has the Misandry Bubble gotten since the first day? And how steady is the traffic?

One thing I've been noticing is that by their own admission and thanks to sites like Alexa, I know that men's rights sites and blogs are all getting steady traffic and hundreds to thousands of unique visitors per month. Furthermore, I've seen the Alexa stats: males between the ages of 18 and 30 are often over-represented. And there is a budding men's rights movement across Western college campuses. The men's rights movement is definitely catching on to the younger generation.

However, I think that in addition to your economic thesis, culture will play a key role. There is a great article by a blogger named fedrz at wordpress, who explains that the most abusive and anti-male policies that came as a result of feminist lobbying were implemented in the 1990s. Compared to the 90s, almost no new feminist legislation is being passed, and they are mostly fighting to cling on to their ill-gotten gains. Culture is already shifting, and you now see legions of men and sometimes even women arriving to criticize feminism in article commentary. The feminists are already on the defensive.

The Futurist


I would say that The Misandry Bubble has gotten about 500,000 visits, and still represents 40% of my traffic.

But it is not the only one. My 'End of Petrotyranny' article is also cited by many blogs, as well as a few others in my 'Core Articles' section.


I forgot to mention this earlier, but I have something you might be interested in The Futurist, if you already haven't seen it:



I have a question for you all. What evidence have you seen that gives you such confidence about the future of sex-bots and artificial wombs? I'm not doubting you, so much as I'd like to read up on it and learn more.


I hope The Futurist doesn't mind if I answer this for him.

Virtual reality f8ll-immersion sex is actually very close, there were quite a few articles on it earlier this year, and there is some talk of sexbots in the media, suggesting that the technology is not that far off.

Regarding artificial wombs, we've already successfully birthed grey sharks in artificial wombs, and serious research in a human version is underway. There are predictions that they will be available next decade and start to replace conventional pregnancy in the 2030s.


Zeus, the artificial womb is almost here. I am a nurse and have spoken to numerous biotechnology people (my boyfriend's friend works in this field and partially on this project) and ectogenisis is about 15-20 years off. He worked on the nutrient feed issue (I say worked because it is solved) so now with fine-tuning and a whole lot of testing and cutting through a lot of red tape it will eventually be unveiled. The male contraceptive pill will be ready in about 3-5 years but I will say no more on that after seeing the protests in 2008 at the world population summit by feminist groups who got it stopped for men. It is completely safe too. I expect when it hits the market that it will level the playing field a bit and it's about time it came out. I do want to stress a final point though, I won't be discussing anything else on the artificial womb. Some breakthrough need time to filtered out into the public conscience without causing huge upset and feminist (and most women from what I see) find the idea of an easy to use alternative to them to be abhorrent. Ask them how they feel about IVF and sperm banks though. Anyways, there is hope, though I expect misandry to just get a whole lot worse before the bubble bursts.

The Futurist


You are a female MRA? Good! There is a severe need for people like you.

Remember, whatever you do, tell MEN what you know about misandry. Yes, men. They take a critique of 'feminism' more seriously coming from a woman. It should not be that way, but it is.

On artificial wombs, it would be nice to have, but is not necessary. Surrogates in countries like India cost just $20,000, and clinics that pair Westerners with surrogates have a track record of over a decade at this point.


Hi Futurist, yes I am a woman and I do tell as many men (and women) as possible. Your Misandry Bubble article has been of great help and I have already got responses from others about spreading the message (your blog is a great resource for this and I cannot thank you enough for it). Have you heard of Karen Straughan by the way. If not then look her up on YouTube or her blog called "owningyourshit", she goes under the pen name GirlWritesWhat and her videos dismantle feminism and misandry from an evolutionary and historical perspective. There seems to be a growing number of women waking up to it and I met a young girl recently who bought the whole feminism dogma but after pointing her to some of the more friendly MRM stuff that shows critique of the issue as well as your blog she said to me yesterday that she was disillusioned by what feminism has become and no longer considers herself a feminist. There are small victories to be had and the way I see it the small victories all add up :) On a less positive note, the UK truly is lost. I can't see any time soon that the trend of misandry will reverse or dissipate without something major happening. Today I read an article (as I all to frequently do in British papers) on how men are useless and are not needed any more. The paper was the Mail I think but it's just the same all over at the moment with man bashing here. Again, thank you for all your work, it is a truly valuable resource in the fight against misandry. :)


Hello Futurist.

What gives you the confidence that the US will be around in the time frame that you mentioned? Maybe you've heard of him, there is Dmitry Orlov, who predicts that the US will go through a crippling economic scenario and then fracture along various lines (similar to the USSR.)

What's your take on this?



But to add to my wish-list, this is what I want:

- Artificial wombs (surrogacy is not a very good option, imo)
- Sexbots (realistic VR is good and maybe I'm a tad conservative, but I want the "real" thing -- lol @ at that comment -- as well as a machine that can help me with other tasks in life)
- Nanotech fabrication (once I have this, I'll be able to live forever even in places such as the Yukon in Canada)
- A super-computer in the palm of my hand (because frankly, in order to make true AI, we'll need massive crunching power. Quantum computing anyone?)

Mr. Futurist, I love the academic rigor that you inject into your writing. Roosh is the guy who's lobbing stink bombs and annoying the feminists, Rollo is the philosopher, but you're more like the scientist/professor in this whole endeavor.

I'd like to read more of your writing.


Hi Futurist

I have never read such a diverse and complete description of present day misandry as presented in the original blog and this follow up blog.
I am an older man who has seen my wife change under the influence of feminism. As many a man has said, that change has not been to our family's benefit. Her "you're not good enough", or "what have you done for me lately" demeanor has become a series of little insults. Each one small, but the accumulated weight of them is devastating. She is no longer anything like the woman I married.
We have 2 children, a boy and a girl. Both are in their late twenties. They have both noticed the changes in my wife's character, specially over the last 10 years.
I sent the link for this series of blogs to both of them. My daughter has made no comment to me yet, but my son's acknowledgment was a simple "I know Dad." He is a man of few words, but it was his second comment that surprised me, "we talk about this all the time". He was speaking about his male friends his age, both married and single. He added " I use Mom and my sister as examples." So the younger men are seeing the big picture and are starting to understand the ramifications of supporting the present day feminist culture. What they fail to understand is the future consequences that you spell out so well.
I have had a sinking feeling about our society for many years brought on by a number of "little insults" both from my wife and many others.
Decorum in our society has been on the decline in a reverse ratio to the rise of feminism. Decorum is defined as a set of social standards around conduct, words, and actions. Decorum in this sense is a sign of social respect. I want to address this issue, decorum, specifically for I believe it could be a fulcrum point of change against misandry. Men have taken these "little insults" and ignored them, or brushed them off with a sidelong glance. I would like to see every man take a stand on these "little insults". These comments/actions need to be challenged for what they are......no matter who the source.
The same rigor you apply to the reasoning in these blogs must be applied to our everyday interactions. "Little insults" are momentarily painful.......become adept at sharing the pain with the source.
In all the sports I played, there was always the understanding that "Tit for Tat" was always the norm. You try to hurt/injure me or use unnecessary force and I will respond in kind.
I know most men understand this principle..... they need to apply it when dealing with a twenty first century woman. Harsh....maybe, but I have endured too many "little insults" to let them slide.
When a forward in hockey attempts to knock the puck from a goaltender's glove, he knows he will get a roughing up from the goaltender's team. This "little insult" is not taken lightly be the defending team. We men must respond in a similar manner to all the "little insults" that are inflicted every day by women and their supporters until they understand that they will pay a price for their "little insult."
If all men were to try to enforce decorum in our everyday lives, much as we do on the ice, I believe feminism would be shown up for the dirty play that it is.


The poll was posted on the DailyKos?

The writer there said:
I posted it on Dailykos, it was on the main landing page for about 15 minutes, gathering about 100 votes. There Yes is losing some 40 to 60. I'm surprised anyone at the kos voted yes, let alone 40 of them. The DailyKos is noted for being a far far far left wing / feminist news outlet. They would have loved the Soviet Union - Gulags and all.


DJB1 | September 12, 2013 at 04:22 PM,

My #2 son and I discuss this frequently also. I'm 69. #2 is 28.

BTW #1 daughter (22) has given up on men.

Looks like that will be one unhappy generation.


What happened to this blog?


skilaki, I think that the author has gone on a long-term hiatus and will probably only check back once in a while.

An occasional blurb -- once a month -- would be nice though :) .


A shame he is gone. Would like his insight into what is going on with the world. I wonder if he still believes the US will be the only superpower in 2030?


Yeah, some truly insightful stuff on this blog. I am constantly amazed by the quality of the writing on the blogosphere


Well this is a real gem. A woman proposes castration day.


Bill Franger

I am Bill Franger, and I am a male feminist.

My frustrations with my lack of success with the ladies are very obvious. I am extremely bitter that men who act like pickup artists get women, and I don't.

Ergo, being a male feminist is the best way for me to conceal the fact that I am a creepy predator. It is the perfect cover, really.

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